Friday, May 2, 2008


Observation of the Day!

I got home last Thursday afternoon. The following is a few notations of the trip.

1. Gas in CA was $3.88, $3.22 in AZ, averaged about $3.41 the rest of the way.

2. Making cell phone calls wakes you up when you are tired.

3. Roswell NM still has the Ten Commandments on the court house lawn.

4. There are two extremely large crosses just off the highway, one on I-40, the other I-35.

5. In a Texas cowtown there was a sign honoring the high school sports teams, the Chiefs and the Squaws. How about that Fighting Sioux.

6. Every year I want to go and drive on old Route 66. It basically follows I-40. I never take the time to relive the two trips I made on this historic highway. One was when I got out of the Navy in 1962. Theother was with Doe just after we were married in 1966 and were moving to LA to begin our new life.

7. Every year I think about getting off I-35 in Kansas and take the short drive to Winfield KS where my great-grandfather and grandfather lived in the 1880s. I drive right past. It has been a long driving day.

8. Every year I think I should stop and see my distant cousins in Iowa, but I am getting too close to home and don't have the time.

What do I have, but time or not? Maybe next year.

Have a nice day!


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