Sunday, May 18, 2008


Observation of the Day!

There was a lawn care worker working in the neighbor's yard this week. He had on a appropriate green tee shirt. However, he was bending over and his GREEN undapants showed. Now that's a uniform!

When was the last time a president of the United States went hat in hand to ask the Arabs for more oil, only to be told no? When are we going to drill for some American oil, build some new refineries with less EPA interference, build nuclear power plants (France, one of the greenest countries in the world, is 80% atomic energy), put America's resources, both financial and technical, against building an electric or other type of power in our automobiles (How much to we spend in space or on the war for that matter?) America can do anything we want, so I suspect we have other forces at work. It is political BS.

Anybody else tired of Pundits?

Is there any wonder the Congress has its lowest rating ever, when Arlen Spector wants the Congress to investigate the Patriots filming of a football practice, even though the league investigated it. This is not an issue you should waste your time on Arlen.

Al Gore has been strangely quiet on the recent discussion on ethanol and its problems in efficency, overall environmental impact and world food shortage. On the other hand Al was quick to blame the Myanmar cyclone on global warming. What a phony!

Please Jesse, don't run for the Senate in Minnesota. It's embarrassing!

Have a nice day!

Sammy C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Sam,
It may interest you that a professor at our esteemed university, Dr. Bruce Dale, is one of the world's experts on generating ethanol from renewable sources. I took two classes from him, as he was a professor during my time. You might be interested in his article on growing sage grass (a weed, basically) and converting to ethanol.