Thursday, May 29, 2008


Luis and Maddie!

Luis is my adopted grandson, and is the oldest son of Carolina, my surrogate daughter. Luis will turn fifteen next month. A year ago Carolina was worried that some of Luis' behaviors and attitudes were heading him down the wrong path. I assured her that it was part of growing up and being fourteen. A year later he has remade himself into a fine very mature young man. Luis' grades have improved, and he is starting to think about what career he might pursue in college.

He wrote this essay for his ESL class. I don't think he should have even been in the English as a Second Language class, but he was. He has all the reading and speaking skills as anyone born in America, more than some native born. If this essay doesn't tug at your heartstrings a little, I'd be surprised. It did mine. I am so proud of him.


Growing Up!

By Luis Javier Mijangos

Has there ever been a time or a moment when you finally realize what’s really important to you in life? I know I have those moments, and now more than ever I am finding out what’s really important to me in my life.

I remember the time when my mom told me she was pregnant with my fourth baby brother or sister. I thought to myself, “Oh no! Not this again. I’m not cleaning anymore diapers!” But later that night as I went to sleep I thought to myself, “Wow! Is this for real? My fourth baby sister or brother!” I was overwhelmed with mixed emotions that wouldn’t let me sleep.

For the next couple of weeks I wasn’t sure what to think. I tried to put it aside and tell myself, “Oh well things happen it’s just another baby!” But in my mind the emotions I felt showed me different; that it wasn’t just another baby running around in the house it was something greater than that. So I decided to take some time and figure out what my emotions were; because I knew as the oldest I was expected to help out and I needed to be ready for this new family member in my life.

I took some time to think out my emotions because I knew as the oldest it would also affect me as well. I decided to take my younger siblings to the park for some reason I thought that would help me figure out my emotions. As I watched my younger siblings play it helped me realize how much I love them and that it was my responsibility as the oldest to take care of them and help them out with the problems of everyday life even if it meant helping my littlest sister get on the swing or finding lost toys for my little brother; or even changing diapers for my new sibling; that I would be there for them and love them like a big brother should.

But I knew that if I was going to be there for this new sibling of mine; “I needed to change!” and take this experience and grow from it; that I needed to become a better person and take responsibility in my life because I knew as the older; wait the “oldest” brother; all eyes would be on me to set a good example for the ones looking up at me so; I had to change and become responsible in life and take on the responsibilities that come with being a big brother. At last I was at ease with my emotions.

This experience has helped me mature and grow as a better person. It also helped me find out what really matters the most to me and that is family and that I would anything for them into a better person it has also helped me be grateful to my life and my family. I’m glad I took the time to think out my emotions because I could never take care of my new sibling without knowing if I was ready for it.

I believe things happen for a reason; and that you should take those little moments or experience and grow from them to make you a better and stronger person; because when you do you feel good about yourself knowing that you didn’t let this experience pass you by. I can’t find the words to express myself of on how this experience has helped me grow and change into a better person and a responsible big brother.

Have a wonderful day!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful essay. Nice work, Luis!
