Friday, August 23, 2013

This Just In!


1. RGIII fined by NFL for wearing and unauthorized tee shirt of field It said, "Operation Patience" referring to his need to be patient in healing his injury.

That explains why they wear jock straps. Don't want to get fined for panty lines.

2. Ben Affleck to play Batman.

Don't know what Mark would think about that, but I caught his urn shaking a bit this morning.

3.Vin Sculley back for his 65th year broadcasting the Dodgers. He will be 85 years old.

I was ten when he started. Guess he's a bandwagon guy now that the Dodgers are winning again.

4.Wisconsin Dells voted top vacation destination by teens.

Really???? It was also dubbed in times past as the world's tackiest resort. I guess the nerds rule, or is it the other way around?

5. Could Mayor Bob Finer's escapades actually be an episode of Mad Men?

 I wonder if he smokes after sexual harassment?

6. The Triple A Philadelphia farm club, the Leigh Valley Ironpigs (Yah that's right) held an essay contest to give away a funeral. (Yah, that's right) it will happen during the sixth inning.

 Perhaps the Padres should enter.

7. According to the Huffinton Post stripper's flaming nipple tassels set off fire alarm.

Now, that's hot!

8. What is known as a French kiss in many parts of the world is know as an English kiss in France.

Or a Bob Filner kiss in San Diego.

9. Is a hybrid Cadillac Escalade an oxymoron?

Have a nice day.


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