Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pondering Itches And Scratches!

I had an itch, and I scratched it. Hmmm? That got me to thinking about an itch and the scratch that satisfies? Where does the ordinary itch come from. I'm not talking about the seven year itch or the itch caused by scratchy fabric or a bug bite, or a Poison Ivy/Poison Oak rash. I'm talking about the sudden little itch that just appears at any time and in any place. The itch itch.

What makes an itch decide to go where it goes? What makes an itch appear just when and where you don't want it, like your nose when your hands are full or, heaven forbid, an anal itch? Forbidden itches don't bother baseball players, they itch and adjust in front of 50,000 people in the stands and millions watching on TV. A man always has a good scratch first thing in the morning. Can't start the day without a yawn and a good scratch on the way to the bathroom.

An itch is easily satisfied with a fingernail or a spatula in case it's on your back.  The quickest way to a dog's heart is a scratch on the ears or back side. Same goes for a back scratch by the opposite sex.
Oh my!

I guess that about exhausts the subject of itches and scratches. Next time I will tackle nose picking in the car.

Have a nice day!

Sammy Carl

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