Monday, August 26, 2013

2 Shades of Gray!

My first car was my grandma's 1949 4-door battleship gray with a straight stick. My current car is a Toyota Camry, 4-door battleship gray with some sparkleys.  When I bought this 2007 Camry in October of 06, I wondered, given my age, if this would be my last car. That was nearly seven years ago, and I'm still kicking. So I have been wondering if I should get another car to carry me off into the sunset. Maybe splurge a little with an expensive flashy midlife crisis type mobile. Perhaps a convertable. I once had a white '58 Chevy convertible. It was my first self bought car. I traded it in for a blue bottom of the line straight stick Corvair a few years later ( You figure that move out, I sure can't.)

In between the two gray bombers were many kinds of cars. I've had a Mercedes and a Porsche, but they were not a 500 or a Cabrerra. They were a 230 and a 944, not the top of the line. I've had Fords, Chevys, Hondas, Oldsmobiles, Mercuries, Cadillacs and Buicks. It is hard to remember all the cars I have had.

I've never worried about gas mileage and other questions of the car nuts. I always bought a car by its looks. I've always liked black cars, but actually had only a few. Brown,  yellow, gray,gray, gray. Never had a red car. Always liked red, but I guess my personality didn't  fit with red. I like red shirts, but I don't look good in them. I'm a brown, gray guy I guess.

There was a day when your car defined you. I think it's true today for some, but not me, or maybe in reality it does. I think, although I am very financially secure and could buy pretty much any type of make or model I want, I am still a minimalist. I have nothing to prove. My Camry only has 63,000 miles on it, so I think it maybe just maybe the one to carry me out of here. It's the right color.

Have a nice day!



Maggie @ Mama Maggie's Kitchen said...

Love my car. hee hee.

Uncaged Bird said...

Sam, I love black cars! I also love dark gray cars! I mostly only wear black or gray clothing. In the summer I'll also wear white. I love other colors, including red, & see a lot of in colors that I love on someone else, but am not comfortable wearing myself! Black and gray are so classic, maybe that's why. When I was 16, my grandmother wanted to buy me something. Everything I picked was gray! She said, "Why do you keep picking gray? You're too young for gray. Gray is an old lady color! Pick something bright!" I said, "Grandma, gray is classic and classy! I am just not a 'bright color' kind of girl!" I got a bright blue sweater and wore it with baby pink pants! As the kids say today, "EPIC FAIL!" ;-) That was in 1984.