Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Observation of the Day!

Last year at this time I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I went home from Coronado a little early to begin eight weeks of radiation therapy. Fortunately, it looks like I beat it. I was surprised that I contracted cancer, since heart disease was my demise of choice. I harbored the myth that if you have one disease you wouldn't have the other. I was wrong.

If you are an older male, you will probably develop prostate cancer at some point. It seems that this is just the way it is.

After one treatment, I thought I had left my hat at the cancer center radiation department. I asked the nurse the next day if anybody had found it. They had not seen the hat, but would keep an eye out for it. I commented that when you are an old man, "First you get prostate cancer, then you lose you hat." Of course I eventually found it in my hat department at home. I guess I forgot where I put it, but that is another story.

Whenever I have something wrong me, I want to understand the issues as much as possible. In my research I found a newspaper article about treatment of prostate cancer. Doctors found that each of the three main types of therapy — radioactive seed implants, radiation and surgery — cause different problems. Urinary irritation was worst after radioactive seeds. Bowel problems were greatest after radiation. Sexual function suffered the most after any treatment, although surgery caused the greatest damage.

After reading this, I had a new understanding of why we older men must observe the three cardinal rules of old age:

1. Never pass by an opportunity to urinate.

2. Never trust a fart.

3. If you get an erection, always have sex even if you are by yourself.

The unknown author must be an older male and have had prostate cancer treatment. He is a wise old man.

Have a nice day!



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