Sunday, March 1, 2009


Observation of the Day!

The honeymoon is over for me. I gave Obama a chance and he has lost me already. The common adage is run from the right or left to please the base, and then govern from the center. Obama seemed to do that at first. He reached across the aisle like no one before. It turns out is was a head fake and he has moved way left to govern. I don't envy his economic task. It is is a very high mountain to climb, and there is enough blame to go around. However, he actually gave us hints as to where he and the Democratic Congress were going.

He was going to take the country in a new direction. We just didn't know it was European Socialism. Socialism does not work. It never has in history. Do we, as a country, really want to be another France or Germany?

What he said to Joe the plumber was another hint as to the real Obama agenda, redistribution of wealth.

The budgeted spending is astronomical, and I hope all you younger Obamians like the debt you will carry the rest of your life. The stimulus package in my opinion does not create the jobs promised. I sincerely hope it works. However, the Dems don't seem done yet. They have more spending planned on the other issues. While these issues are important to be debated, doesn't anyone know we can't afford it. Does anyone believe Obama will cut the national debt in half by 2012. Even if he does cut it in half ,it will still be larger than the debt he inherited.

I am not a Bush fan either. He did not govern in any way of a conservative. He is the worst president in my life time with dear old Jimmy a very close second. The ecomomy in his administration was nearly as bad as Bush's.

Government has no sense of setting priorities. It's not their money. It is all about building the beaucracies. One of the two increases in jobs was in D.C. The new spending will create even more beaucarsy.

Say hello to China the new world power.

God Bless America!

Samuel C. Arnold

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