Sunday, June 15, 2008

Observation of the Day!

If you did not see Meet The Press this morning, you missed something special in the tribute to Tim Russert. Try to view the program, if you can.

I always thought Tim Russert was something special. He certainly was fair in a business that is often very unfair. He was smart. He was always prepared. He honored his family. He was a son who honored his father and a father to his son. He was religious. He was energetic. I admired his constant enthusiasm. He was a natural leader of the Washington bureau. He was a real journalist. I cannot think of all the things this man had.

He was so unlike the man who wrapped himself in a bush jacket and haughtily proclaimed that he was a journnnnilist always in pursuit of the stooory. Dan Rather was the most biased news person in the world. He often lacked ethics. Dan Rather pales when compared to Tim Russert.

While I am at it, there was a quote from Bill Moyers in the paper just this morning. It seems Moyers engaged in an argument with Bill O'Rielly's producer. Apparently the producer accused Moyers of having no class. Moyers responded, "I am not a classy guy. I am a reporter." Tim Russert was a classy guy and a reporter.

The show today was some of Tim's close friends reminiscing about their friend. It comfirmed to me that Tim Russert never forgot where he came from and honored it. America lost a real patriot.

God bless the soul of Tim Russert. He died too early. Sunday mornings will not be the same.

Have a good Father's Day!


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