Sunday, June 22, 2008


I'm Thinking! I'm Thinking!

I didn't plan to come back so soon with a "thinking" Blog, but something came up in my brain.
oil/gas policy etc.

In the discussion about drilling in new off shore areas, the politicians have flip-flopped all over the place. The Democrats are driving home the point that the oil companies already have leased rights in millions of acres they have not developed. What hasn't come up is "why" they have not drilled in the already existing lease acreage. There might be a legitimate reason why the oil companies haven't drilled. But no one in the press or political arena has asked this simple question that might help the American public in this decision.

I am sick and tired of the blame game. There is enough blame to go around over at least forty years of various of administrations and Congresses and us. Everyone has a stake in our failure to address the issues. We must address a multifaceted strategic plan that will take many years to complete. This problem is not a political football.

1. A government-auto company partnership to find an electric or other solution.This country can do anything it puts its mind to. This spans the atomic bomb to men on the moon and beyond. Look at the money we are spending on NASA. I for one don't care if there is life on Mars. Someone said the reason we are building a space station is so the space shuttle has someplace to go. Is space a priority issue? Not for me.

2.Nuclear power plants. It is as easy as that.

3.New drilling in Anwar. 2,000 acres of 11 million is not a big deal. I actually am not much in favor of new off shore drilling.

4. Congress get off its ass and quit bringing up short term solutions that solve nothing and are nothing more than a political scams.

5. Perhaps fix the rail system with high speed trains. I am not against light rail, but let's do it where it works. This is not Europe. In Minnesota our current light rail system runs from the Mall of America to downtown Minneapolis (south to north). The major traffic comes from the east and the west sides of the metro area. The Southwestern Transit system (bus) from Eden Prairie to downtown Minneapolis works for many commuters. and has been successful on a small scale.

I am sure there is more thinking to do on the subject. We need to stop the blame game and political short term solutions and put the Arabs back to the backward countries they are. They are gouging the American public pure and simple.

America's strength is technology of all kinds. We have the resources and the brain power to again be the leader towards new sources of clean energy. All we need is the will and the way. Hear that Congress and candidates.

My brain is tired. See you next time.

Samuel C. Arnold

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