Friday, June 6, 2008


Observation of the Day!

I went to Costco today for lunch. No, not at the snack bar, but the little sampling tables. Free lunch is a good thing. As I wandered the aisles, I happened to notice an older man a little bent over, wearing old jeans. My God, that's Bud Grant, the most famous coach the Vikings ever had. His hair is still white, but there is less of it. He walked around unnoticed, just like the rest of us. I suppose he was not recognized because he wasn't wearing his traditional Vikings hat, so often shown in old NFL films footage. His ramrod straight profile of his athletic and coaching days is no longer there and has given away to a slight bend in the breezes of time. However, he was wearing his traditional solemn expressionless expression. He had a snack and then checked out the driveway sealer.

And life goes on!

Have a nice day!


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