Sunday, February 17, 2008


A Meaningful Life

There are two sides of success --- success in your career and success in life. Without the second half you are not complete. Success is a journey not a destination. It is not the distance of the journey that matters, it is overcoming the obstacles that are presented during the journey. There will always be more to accomplish. You will never be finished with your earthly journey until the Lord says you are.

Every life has stages that must be traversed. In their twenties a people are searching, in their thirties, hopefully, they have found their life's work, in their forties a person grows, and then comes the fifty mark and a person starts to evaluate life and what it all means. In the later years we, hopefully, have learned the answers, but nobody asks the questions. They are to busy chasing success.

There is a book by Rabbi Harold Kushner entitled, When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough. In it he discusses that there are three things that will help an individual have a meaningful and successful life.

* Relationships with family and friends.

* Disappointments and set backs are part of life.

* Make a difference in what ever you do.

Tomorrow we will explore these points further.

To Be Continued

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