Thursday, September 25, 2008


Can somebody help me with this?

I am sure most, if not all, are sick of negative political campaign ads. You can't get away from them. They are everywhere. You can't even switch channels without seeing the same crap. Negative ads are half truths, out of context statements or outright lies.

Why do campaigns insist on going negative? They tell us, "because they work". Do they? If both parties run negative ads then how do they know negative "works"? How can they tell? There is a winner and a loser. Does that mean the candidate whose ads are most negative or least negative gather more votes? Depending on your point of few, the other guy is negative and my guy is telling the truth.

I think both parties underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Well, maybe not. Of course we are not all the best and brightest. These ads can only appeal to the dumbest people, who probably don't vote anyway.

As George Carlin said in his final performance, "It's all bulls**t!

Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

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