Friday, January 17, 2014

War Is Stupid!

When we think of the 20th century, we think of the technical marvels that were not even thought of at the turn of the century. And it only picked up its pace during the last quarter of the 1900s.

However, there is another distingstion. Between the years of 1337 and 1433 there was a series of wars between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England. These continuing wars were  lumped together to be called "The Hundred Years' War". I'm sure some of you out there think how could a conflict be carried on for a century over two human life times. What barbarians. Before we get too superior, didn't we just finish a hundred years ourselves? At the turn of the century, was the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Nam, Granada , Bosnia, Iraq I and IIS, Afghanistan. In between the majors were many smaller military actions. Nothing has really changed except the technology of killing. Smart Killing machines.

I have found in my experience that people the world over are pretty good people aising families and trying to just get along. I remember, as a child, during WWII the " Krauts and the Japs"were our mortal enemies. Now we think off them as allies and friends.We carry on friendly conversations with them in their country and ours.

Not long ago, I sat at a dinner party in Coronado. There was a Englishman, an Indonesian, a Maylasian, a Japanese and me, old whitey from America. I couldn't help but think what a wonderful world when people come together from very different circumstances and cultures and can be sitting enjoying the company and the stories. We were truly friends. This same conversation could not have taken place, just 50 years ago. What a wonderful world.

So how do well meaning people fight ongoing wars for an entire century? Wars are also caused by people, except they are our political and so called religious leaders. Imagine if these leaders were just serving their citizens instead of themselves and their ideologies.

What is accomplished by war. Nothing because over time our enemies become our criends and our friends become our enemies. Imagine what the world would be like if the lives and resources were spent making a better life for the citizens of the world. Don't forget it's also about the money, greed in the first degree.


Peace be with you.


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