Friday, May 22, 2009


Observation of the Day!

I went to the Lab at Park Nicollet in St Louis Park to get my blood work done. I take Warifan to keep blood flowing, and every once in a while it goes out of whack. No big deal just the time it takes to get blood tests every week until it gets back to normal standards. Am I boring you yet?

As I waited, I picked up a copy of O Magazine. O of course is the magazine of the guru on all things, Oprah Winfrey. I used to like Oprah. However, she seems to be getting a little big for her britches, and that doesn't have anything to do with her recent weight gain. She projects an aire of knowing everything, and her minions follow her almost blindly singing Kumbiyah. Several of her book selections have backfired on her. Power corrupts.

On the cover of this issue was a picture of Michelle Obama and Oprah (She's on every cover) standing next to each other. As with most medical offices, the magazines are brought in by staff members for the waiting area. On the cover was a notation "Infectious disease dept." It seemed quit an accurate description of the women on the cover.

Have a nice day!


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