Saturday, April 12, 2008


Jim's Observation of the Day!

Once again I have become lazy, and I must rely on my baby brother to keep the Bolg alive. It is something to think about.

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Chinese - Tibetan Situation

Posted: April 10, 2008 01:33 PM

KOLD News 13 General Manager Jim Arnold
KOLD News 13 General Manager Jim Arnold

KOLD News 13 General Manager Jim Arnold

I am just a casual observer of the latest going on in the long running Chinese - Tibetan situation. Beijing was awarded the 2008 Olympics with an effective bid and a promise to do better human-rights wise.

China will soon showcase itself to the world. China can't be blind to the fact it has the opportunity to show its wonder and demonstrate to the world that they are making positive progress.

The Chinese certainly know the routine. The host country puts on its best face, the torch makes an around the world trip to drum up excitement about Olympics, and so on.

So I am wondering why the Chinese selected the past weeks in this long running turmoil with Tibet to stir it up and bring attention to itself?

Here's something to think about: This wisdom comes from my dear Grandmother. She was a smart, stern, but loving l woman who would not put up with nonsense. She advised family many times: Why open the Limburger just before company comes?

Jim Arnold

My brother is smarter than I am, but I am better looking.

Have a nice day!


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