Never Forget
The date, September 11-9/11, is permanently embedded in the lexicon of American history, along with D-Day the sixth of June and December 7, the Day of Infamy. There are dates that are permanently stamped in our minds and remember where we were when we heard the news. I have a other events that I remember, but the specifics are faded.
There are three specific events that I will always remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. Assassination of JFK, assassination of Bobby Kennedy and September 11.
On November 22, 1963 I was working in a restaurant in West LA. I had just crossed the bar to open the doors for lunch. A cook came out to the dining room from the kitchen and said Kennedy had just been shot. A short time afterward it was announced that he had died. The rest of the day was almost surreal. People came to the restaurant and just sat in hushed conversations.
June 5, 1968 I watched the California primaries. I watched Bobby Kennedy give his victory speech then turned in. A few minutes after I got into bed the phone rang. It was my neighbor telling me that Kennedy had been shot. I turned on the TV and watched the rest of the night.
September 11, 2001. This was the most unforgettable day in my life. As I often, do I turned on the television at 7:50 CDT. Fox had just reported a plane crashing into the Twin Towers. They were still reporting that the thought it was a small plane. The rest of the day was at the TV, as I am sure you did as well. The dramatic pictures told the story. When the Towers collapsed it was horrifying and unbelievable if your were not seeing it as it happened. What a terrible moment in our history.
We must never forget this day in history. and I know those who were alive that day will never forget.
Remember this day!
1 comment:
Sammy: I must call you out on your Disney commentary. Gov Palin is a cartoon that just won't go away. More importantly, McCain has turned away from his "maverick" core (of which I was one) and sold out to the far right. There are NO issues has has not revised since starting this campaign, and his pathetic effort to gain attention (Sarah Baracuda) is a slap in the face of any woman who even thinks about it for a moment. Obama is the only candidate who can bring America back.
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