My Dad, Ward Arnold, was born January 14, 1912. Today would be his ninety-sixth birthday. He died in 1994 at the age of eighty-two. We never forget the important dates of our family and some of the memories we have retained forever. Some day I will go into more of the detail of his story, but for now I will just tell a small humorous anecdote.
He was always a man of a few well chosen words when it came to discussing uncomfortable subjects. My “birds and bees” lecture came from a little talk with my father just before I entered high school. He called me out to the front porch on a very pleasant summer evening to sit with him and watch the traffic go by. After a suitable period of silence and time to find the appropriate words, he said, “You probably know most of the things about sex, but if you should ever get involved, be careful and always wear a rubber. Do you have any questions?”
No, I answered. And we sat there in uncomfortable silence and watched the traffic go by.
Have a nice day!
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