January 12, 2008
1.Headline in San Diego Union Tribune.
MLB Will Investigate Drug Use!
Union Not Consulted In Creation of New Drug Unit
Well Duh! What BS! Bud and Don still don’t get it.
2. There are several theories about what killed the dinosaurs. There is the giant asteroid theory and of course the global warming folks blame it on, what else, global warming.
Now there is a theory that they were wiped out by mosquito bites. The theory believes that bites of mosquitoes, tics and other biting insects carrying disease over time took them into extinction.
There was immediate reaction of the global warming advocates, attacking the theory. It seems that anyone offering an explanation counter to the global warming religion is viciously attacked and labeled as idiots. It is their way or the highway, no room for disagreements.
I do not doubt that there is global warming occurring as we speak. Glaciers creeping down from Canada formed Minnesota’s lakes. When the glaciers melted due to
increasing temperatures i.e. warming, the lakes were formed and global warming was in progress. There is evidence that in at least four different periods the Earth was actually ice free. Imagine that?
Man thinks the universe begins and ends with the residents of Earth. What arrogance!
I believe in the mosquito bite theory. I live in Minnesota, and I have seen how big a mosquito can get.
3. There is a group formed in where else. San Francisco, called Compact. The goal for this group of 8,000 is to not buy anything new. Somehow they link it to the greening of America. HUH? What these Bolsheviks don’t understand that without consumerism our economy fails, jobs are lost and we no longer feel good about ourselves.
4. Did some so-called friend or relative give you a Chia Pet for Christmas? Perhaps he or she was thinking about your health, and is a person who really cares for your well being.
The truth is, Chia seeds are actually good for you -- we’re talking really good for you! In fact, they just may be one of the healthiest things around. Here’s why:
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chock-Full of Nutrition
Nutty-tasting whole-grain Chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, and they have among the highest antioxidant activity of any whole food -- even more than fresh blueberries. And they do good stuff for the body, like keeping blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
Now aren’t you sorry for saying to yourself, “What were they thinking?”
And you thought they didn’t love you.
5. At a recent Hillary campaign speech a gray haired forlorn Bill Clinton stood more or less in the background biting his nails and looking over the crowd. He was probably just checking for chicks. Its lonely out there Bill. Bill, your legacy is still intact.
6. New Orleans “victims” of Katrina filed lawsuits for mega trillions of bucks. This is a classic example of the victim hood culture. While other places have rebuilt themselves from natural disasters and moved on, New Orleans is still crying and waiting for a handout. There is no doubt the Feds and the state and their politicians performed like any ill run bureaucracy, but let’s get to work. The first and practically the only thing they fixed was the Superdome. That was sure a high priority.
The fact is New Orleans has a long history of floods and hurricanes: 1862, 1927 (248 killed, 700,000 displaced), 1965 (76 killed), Camille a category 5 hurricane. I bet the citizens and government didn’t stand around stealing money and shouting their victim hood.
Think of the billions already wasted. Except for Brad Pitt, all celebrities have gone home. The ordinary citizens like you and me were bilked by unaccountability for relief funds. When Al and Jesse show up, you know the race industry has arrived. By the way, Al and Jesse have gone home too.
I will never contribute to a relief fund, until some body is watching the money. I am sorry to say; I really don’t care what happens to New Orleans. The fact is, although a unique historic city, it is murder plagued corruption filled dump. There I said it!
Have a nice day!
Samuel C. Arnold