Friday, July 12, 2013

Same Old, Same Old

Let's see if I've got this straight.

 Anthony Weiner (D) who texted is junk from his cell phone and resigned his congressional is running for Mayor of New York City.

Eliot Spitzer (D) who chased after a prostitutes, is running for Comptroller of New York State.

Mark Sanford (R)former Governor of South Carolina, disgraced by an affair with another woman and then lied about his whereabouts on government time,won an election and got his old congressional seat back.

Bob Filner (D), newly elected Mayor of San Diego, was called to resign by former key supporters because of major sexual harassment of mayor's office females. He didn't deny it, but did the mia culpa and promised he would fix it. He was so sorry. He once told a female airport employee when he was entering a baggage area off limits to non-employees, by yelling at her that he was a United States Congressman, and he could do anything he wanted. Such an arrogant jackass.

 To me it gives insight to the personalities of politicians. It all about ego and power. They view themselves as special. They love the adoration. They sell out.

Many people believe that personal and public life are separate, as in France.  I don't. It's about morals and ethics. Right from wrong. In a word character. Character is not a sometime thing, whenever it suits them. Morals are full time things. We expect people, particularly public officials, to operate on high moral and ethical level. Otherwise they are not fit to serve and can't be trusted with public trust. Many, even  those who start with good intentions, are quickly blinded by the gushing of supporters, especially those with money.

We elect them and re-elect them, so we reap what we sow.

I ask you, can approval ratings go below zero?

To top it off, a contestant was kicked out of a Bass fishing tournament in Minnesota, because he was caught adding Bass from his freezer. Is there no ethics left in the world?

Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes there are morals in society but not where they get attention. We live in a world seeking a "car wreck" to watch. Media is in competition for Roman public watching gladiators. Fear not because the good deed does not seek attention nor needs it. joe