Saturday, January 31, 2009


Observation of the Day!

What can I say? I have not been posting my cogent observations for some time. Am I lazy? Yes. Have I observed any observations? None to write of. I spend time playing golf and hanging around in the best weather we have had in January since we have been coming. Life is a glorious routine in Coronado, while Minnesota is enjoying its sixth coldest January. See, weather talk gets to be boring, especially to those in the cold.

My golf game sucks, but that is not news.

I shipped my car out. With the pneumonia recovery program in effect, I didn't feel I was up to the drive, especially alone. It only cost $875. The plane ticket cost $119 and only four and a half hours of my time. I figured I saved me about $500 in hotels, gas and food. It also saved me mileage against the third year of my auto lease. Overall it was a real good deal. BTW. My health is back. My defib is in place and my lungs are clear. What more can I ask?

Yesterday, I had lunch with an old friend, Dave Stafford, his wife and Tom and Konnie. I know he is a good friend because after not seeing each other in probably twenty years, we picked up just where we left our relationship. Shot after good natured shot was launched across the bows. Old friends are wonderful because they are old. And the stories never get old.

They still don't get it in Washington. The current bill on the table does little to get the economy back. They do not know anything about priority setting and the different between wants and necessary needs. I am still floating a balloon on a march on the capital to shout out,"I'm mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore. I urge all of you to write your legislators more often.

Super Bowl Sunday tomorrow. I saw a show and tell on Super Bowl memorabilia this morning. The had a Ticket from the first Super Bowl. It wasn't even called the Super Bowl then. It was the World Championship. Green Bay won and the cost was $12.oo. I know I was at the game, and didn't save my ticket stub of buy a souvenir because I could barely afford the $12.00. With the cost today, I still can't afford it. I am rooting for the Cardinals.

As you can see, I have become boring. I will do my best to find some humor in everyday life here in Nirvana. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take a nap by the pool.

Have a nice day!


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