Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Is this a great country, or what? Barack Obama became our 44th President today. The transition from one administration passed peacefully, as it has since the founding.

I thought the ceremony was very moving. The first inauguration I can really remember was John F. Kennedy. I had the feeling today as I did then that the torch had truly passed to a new generation. The only difference was I was part of the receiving generation. Now like my vote fo John McCain was voting for the past and my generation.

From a previous post I had no trouble after the election of Barack Obama becoming my President. I have been very surprised and pleased with his come together to solve the problems of our country. In my life time I have never seen the country is such bad shape as it is. I still believe that the sixties and the Viet Nam era was the worst period of my time, but the issues of that day, were not the same as the troubles of this era. We are really talking about our survival as a world power.

Having said that, I have the feeling today is a turning point in our history. I have been around long enough to know this country can solve these problems in the long run. Every element of our society contributed to the situation. Our own greed and our overpowering craving for instant gratification has been the rope from which we hang.

Obama is a genuine leader in the mold of Ronald Reagan and FDR. His oratory can inspire us to get it done. It will not be quick, and I am sure we will have many set backs along the way. Obama cannot do it alone.

I sincerely hope Obama can put an end to the rancor of partisanship. Respect and tolerance is at the center of making it all work. The Congress must work together. If the cannot, I suggest a march to the steps of the capital by the public loudly declaring that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take in anymore. I am going to write my Congressman and Senators more often, letting them know how I feel on the issues.

It is a new day. It is a new beginning. Let us pray for the success of President Obama.

Have a nice day!

And God less the United States of America.


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