The mind is a magnificent human computer, storing millions of bits. It is a storage vault of big things and little things, and you wonder why they even remain in your memory. Your brain is like a honey comb with many little storage cells, each containing a tidbit of your life.
As we get older, we tend to spend more time going through the archives of our minds. Sometimes you run across things, and you can only ask, 'why do I remember is insignificant event?' One of these nuggets has been around in my mind for many years ago. I think I was about five or six years old. I know WWII was in progress. I had a little metal Piper Cub airplane I loved to play with. I can still remember where I was playing with it next to the house. Apparently, I left it outside one day. When I looked for it the next day, I went back to the exact spot where I had been playing with it, and it wasn't there. I looked and looked every place and came back to the original spot several times over several days expecting it to appear. But it was lost forever. Why is that memory stored in the early combs of my life and still surfaces from time to time? My mind is flooded with these meaningless tidbits that sneak out to remind me of my momentary moments.
My nephew died last year of a brain tumor. During the last part of his life he would hallucinate and say things that were strange and unconnected. It came out jumbled. I believe it was these little nuggets of stored memory that all came out at the same time and were linked together because they appeared together, not because they were together.
The actress, Marilu Henner, has a rare condition called H-SAM. Only 11 other people in the world have it. She can recall every moment of her life. She can remember when and where she met a person, even if it was years before. I wonder if it is a curse or a blessing. Maybe there was a time when we all had this skill of memory, or perhaps it's a dimension we will aquire, as we pass to the other side.
Before Mark died he appeared on Celebrity Apprentice. One of the celebrities was Marylu Henner. She was on the team that was learning about the technical aspects of the LG appliances that Mark was demonstrating. It kind of neat to know that if I ever meet Marilu, she will a remember my Mark.
I love these tidbits. They were not big deals. They were moments in my life. When these memory moments are put in the context of the bigger things in your life, they encompass your whole life. Maybe they are part of the life that is said to pass by when you die.
So I will go on making the memories of my life for the final video.
Have a nice day,
Sammy Carl
1 comment:
Well done Bro. There are many nuggets. Some silly, some incredible.
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