Thursday, November 21, 2013

Observations of the Day!

1. After my near near death experience last Sunday, I thought about this yesterday.  I went to Costco and was walking around and the thought occurred to me,"What if I would have left the earth last Sunday, I would not be here and the other people there would have been walking around just as they are". It is proof the world goes on with or without you.

2. Gosh I've got a lot of people who care.

3. One of the hospital doctors name is Dr. Warm. Could his nurse be Fuzzy?

4. I've been in a number of ICUs, Coronary Care Units and regular hospital rooms. Coronado Sharp Hospital ICU unit could use some serious upgrading. My room was more cubby hole than room. The staff, however, was marvelous.

5. I love my friend girls. They all were there to cheer their Papi up.

6. With all the years in medical science you would think they. would have found away to walk down the Hall without your butt showing.

7.Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

8. God loves you, and so do I.

9. It's raining today and I'm not bitching.

Have a nice day!


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