Thursday, October 17, 2013


What makes a great teacher? Great preachers are great teachers. Even though one is secular and the other more spiritual, they share a common denominator, the ability to relate and motivate their students on a basic level.

Great teachers are charismatic. Real down to earth people. You want to listen, participate and learn from them. They know there subject intimately, but can bring it down to the fundemental understanding for the student. When a foundation is fundamentally sound a great structure can be built. Ask any successful sports coach, and they will tell you, first teach the fundementals and winning will come. Watch a good team and a bad team sometime. You can tell the difference.

Perhaps the greatest teacher was Jesus Christ himself. As people gathered around, he most always taught lessons in the form of parables. Parables are stories that the common man can understand, relate to and learn from. We know he changed lives.

We have all known brilliant people who are at the top of their profession, but cannot teach a lick. They should stick to the lab and the library A good teacher's education never stops. A good teacher wants to learn from other great teachers. A good teacher never stops teaching. The teaching of a subject may transform into a teaching of life's lessons. As they say" a teaching moment." Think of a person that took time and interest in you and taught you from their experience and knowledge.
Take a minute think about those teachers who changed your life. I still know the names of my elementary teachers. Mrs Renbarger taught senior English. 100 spelling words a week made me a good speller. Two of my sister-laws are great teachers. Professor Proulx was an inspiration at Michigan State. Thinking of those teachers is a pleasant journey down memory lane. They made a difference and that's all you can ask.

Never miss an opportunity to teach and mentor. This insures that down the road, your students will remember how you helped them along life's journey. There is no higher honor than to pay it forward.

Have a nice day!



Thomas said...

As you know, Sam, I always prided myself on mentoring those who deserved it. I have some real success stories (like Chris Garvey) that I am proud to know I helped when they needed it most.

Nice post. I had some mentors as well (and you were among them!)

Sam Arnold said...

Thanks Tommy.. It's the best part of the job.