Thursday, July 16, 2009


Observation of the Day!

When you get old, some of the younger ones may look on you as curmudgeon, a lovable cranky old man. When you are young you are just an asshole.


I see Robert Redford (71) married his girlfriend (51). So you're telling me there is a chance?


Today the iconic Sears Tower, built in 1973 and a 103 stories high, will be renamed Willis Tower, a London insurance broker (HUH?). Is there nothing safe from the greed of naming rights mania? In future years as the youth of today become curmudgeons, their nostalgia will be remembrances of the old Comerica Park or Cellular Field etc. Some how it doesn't have the same ring as the Tiger Stadium or the Comiskey Park of our youth. Sometimes greed isn't good.

Have a nice day!


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