Friday, August 21, 2009


Did the Lockerbee Bomber get paid for the endorsement?

Have a nice day!



Click here to find out more!

Newspaper corrects 'Jackass' Keith Olbermann mixup

August 21, 2009 | 3:54 am
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC

Thank goodness, The Times newspaper is the forthright, ethical institution that it is.

And when a mistake happens, it rushes to set the journalistic record straight with an honest repair.

Here is an actual correction from Page A4 of today's print edition:


TV listings: The Prime-Time TV grid in Thursday's Calendar section mistakenly listed MTV's "Jackass" show on the MSNBC cable schedule at 7 and 10 p.m. where instead MSNBC's "Countdown With Keith Olbermann" should have been listed.

It's not the Worst Mistake in the World.

But without this kind of correction, online too, a few thousand people might have tuned into MSNBC, the Obama administration's favorite cable channel, expecting to see a 'Jackass' show and instead they'd have found Keith Olbermann.

Worse, what if nobody noticed the difference?

-- Andrew Malcolm

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Have a nice day!

Sammy C.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


How did we get in this economic crisis? Let's see. The banks loaned mortgage money to people who could not afford them. Mortgages were sold off by the banks to each other institutions and leveraged even more. Bad loans were bundled with a few good mortgages, like mine. and the house of cards collapsed. The government bailed out the banks to the tune of $700B. This is the only part of the stimulus packages that has seemed to work.(Bush's BTW) I believe it worked because many of the good banks and financial institutions are looking alive and well. Even though it was screwed up, it prevented the complete collapse of financial America. People like us who have always played by the rules are still being screwed by those who brought us the crisis in the first place.

And now the rest of the story. Let this serve as a heads up if you are going to be dealing Banks.

Doe and I are going to sell our house. Hopefully, the market will let us.

While we were having it inspected, we discovered we had water intrusion, mold and some rot problems. OMG. It is a disaster, but it can be fixed for only $100,000. WOWEE! Fortunately, our equity is about four times the amount needed. Our net worth is seven figures, 70% liquid and I still have a six figure income. Should be no problem, right? Wrong!

We went to Wells Fargo, our bank of twenty years. We met our personal banker (glorified teller with a desk) who job is to guide us through the process.

"How long will it take ?", I asked.

He told us three times on three different occasions, "About a week", he said.

A week went by and I asked what is happening. He would then get on the phone and talk to the loan Czars in Des Moines??? They always wanted more information. I had given them our tax return, which included three earnings history, I had already given the portfolio and the home value appraisal by Hennepin County.

The next week I went back, and they still had more questions that I think I had already given them. At one point they wanted the originals of my W-2s. I pointed out that the information was in my tax returns, as well as the fact that every check I have received in the last 20 years was direct deposited in their bank. It soon became obvious that our personal banker never found out what was happening by making a call to Iowa, unless I was sitting across the desk from him.

Finally, I had had it. I told them I would find someone else to give me a loan. A couple of days later before I went to another bank, I called my personal banker apologized and said maybe we could try again. I didn't want to burn a bridge because we still needed the loan. I had left this on his voice mail, and he emailed that we should try again and promised they would not want additional information. I then emailed him about the loan rate and also left him a voice mail to set up an appointment after I had tested the waters at another bank. I didn't hear from him for six days after the email and three days after the voice mail. Finally, he called. I asked why he had not gotten back to me. Oh, he was off for a couple of days.

I don't blame anyone for having days off, but in a service business to never check email and voice mail is just not acceptable in my world.

I went to M&I bank (regional mid size bank) and I had the loan approved within a week. They finally told me one of the problems was the income to debt ratio. This was the first time I had any indication what the criteria was. We only owed on our mortgage and cars (no credit card debt). My last years income was about $25,000 higher because I had taken the required amount from my IRA. It turns out the ratio would have been fine if I had taken money out of the IRA the previous two years because IRA withdrawals are counted as income.. So what they are telling me is, the money in my IRA is not good unless it has been withdrawn. HUH?

They could get me $80,000 immediately, but to get the $100,000, it would have to be approved higher up. The ladies at M&I got creatively busy. They came up with the idea of getting a$125,000 home equity loan and paying off the the car loans, which would improve the income to debt ratio. Go figure, give him $80,000 or $125,000, but not the $100,000 I asked for. However, paying off the car loans frees up $850/month cash flow, the loan is at the home equity rate of 4.5% instead of 7.1% and is tax deductible. Sounds good to me.


The loan will be paid off when the house is sold. I hope that works out quickly, I think we deserve a break after this horror story.

I think it is important to note that the old adage of you have to prove you don't need a loan to get a loan.

Another little warning.

We have a line of credit with Chase Bank, who doesn't even operate in Minnesota and never applied for.

We have over draft protection with Wells Fargo at $1.00 service charge a month, whether we use it or not. We didn't sign up for it, and then it got reported on a credit report that our service charge was over do.

Bank of America sent an email recommending we be sure to check your account for unauthorized payments regularly. We have never had an account with Bank of America.

Something is going on with the banks. Watch your stuff and take action, if you can. It is interesting you can't even find out where to complain.

I will continue to play by the rules, even if the banks don't

Samuel C. Arnold

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Observation of the Day!

I was reading over our real estate disclosure statement and found an interesting disclosure law from our state legislature in action.

Methamphetamine Production Disclosure:
(A methamphettamine Production Disclosure is required by MN statute 152.075, Subd.2)

_____ Seller is not aware of any Methamphetamine production that has occurred on the property.

_____ Sell is aware that Methamphetamine production has occurred on the property.

Now why would anybody want to disclose this criminal act, whether there was or not. HUH??

Have a nice day!


Saturday, August 1, 2009


Observation of the Day!

After a couple of days the Cash for Clunkers blew up. This gives us all a reminder the government doesn't do anything very well.

I would like to teach a basic marketing lesson to the marketers at Government Motors. I have to relate it to the foodservice industry for comparison. In foodservice manufacturing and marketing we sell to a distributor, who sells to a foodservice operator. The manufacture is Government Motors, the dealer is the distributor and the guy with the clunker is the operator.

The operator is the target market, sometimes referred to as the end user. It worked just as designed, It created a clunker frenzy. The marketing manager says to himself, "Aren't I brilliant?" However, the devil is in the details. A promotion is never over 'til it's over.

One of the basic premises to any marketing program is that it must be easily understood by all levels of the market involved in its execution. The consumer understood easily that he or she was going to get a$4,500 deal on a car worth about $200 in trade in value. Even a dummy could understand that. Hence the rush to get the "deal", Success!

Now for the poor dealer who gave the deal to the customer, sends the paper work via the internet to Government Motors. First of all there was a set of instructions as to how to get their money back. It was 138 pages long. The actual submission form was 25 pages long. If there was one mistake, the rebate was rejected. The dealer would then have to correct and re-submit. It also takes a long time to transmit 25 pages of data. The computer system could not handle the load and crashed.

The fund set up by Congress was gone in a couple of days, or so they think. Actually at this point in time they don't know for sure, but Congress is ready to anti up more money. Minnesota dealers have as much as $3.5 mil outstanding. Some dealers luckily put a clause that the deal must go through with the government before the deal is final. However, the rules said the car must be made inoperable, so there is nothing to return, if needed, and if the consumer had $4,500 they might nor even be driving a clunker.

All clunkers are not created equal. A '91 Caravan with a 3.0 liter V6 engine and 3-speed 18mpg could qualify for a rebate. But a '91 Caravan with optional 4 speed transmission rated at 19mpg does not. A clunker must get 18mpg or below to qualify. Go figure? Aren't we for equality? The marketing genius must have has a bad experience with his '91 4-speed van.

This just in: Edmonds, the company that keeps track of all things auto, stated that they expected about 250,000 new units to be sold under the program. However, they would have probably sold 200,000 anyway. And if the buyer bought a used car it would add nothing to auto production numbers.

The government never seems to anticipate the unanticipated consequences.

One congressman said his State's chicken industry is also suffering and is proposing Cash for Cluckers. Was he kidding? Probably not.


Here comes the government man with the magic finger putting it where the sun don't shine!

I can hardly wait!

Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Tuesday, July 28, 2009



Plastic Surgery Tax Eyed As Revenue Raiser

Monday, July 27, 2009


Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill--Unless They Have 2 Lawyers to Interpret It for Them
Monday, July 27, 2009
By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter
( - During his speech at a National Press Club luncheon, House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), questioned the point of lawmakers reading the health care bill.

“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Conyers.

“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”

Try to have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Friday, July 17, 2009



A friend of mine told me about having dinner with a Phd friend who is a true blue Liberal. He took his life in his hands and asked her what would cause her to lose faith in Obama. She weighed and thought about the question before answering. Her answer was not standing up for "HUMAN RIGHTS". She then went on about water boarding. She admitted that she didn't know much about economics. (REALLY?) Bill had trouble going to sleep that night. And so the sheeple march on over the cliff to the downfall of America, led by their shepherd. God help us all. Glad I am old.

I never met a true Liberal who understood economics.

Please try to have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Observation of the Day!

When you get old, some of the younger ones may look on you as curmudgeon, a lovable cranky old man. When you are young you are just an asshole.


I see Robert Redford (71) married his girlfriend (51). So you're telling me there is a chance?


Today the iconic Sears Tower, built in 1973 and a 103 stories high, will be renamed Willis Tower, a London insurance broker (HUH?). Is there nothing safe from the greed of naming rights mania? In future years as the youth of today become curmudgeons, their nostalgia will be remembrances of the old Comerica Park or Cellular Field etc. Some how it doesn't have the same ring as the Tiger Stadium or the Comiskey Park of our youth. Sometimes greed isn't good.

Have a nice day!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT. Tonight's host is the Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken.


OH MY! It's not a joke?

Have a nice day!

Sammy Carl

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


1. Why does the fact 2.8 million people are not ready HD conversion rate news coverage on network television?

2.Is a Cadillac Escalade Hybrid an oxymoron?

3. Why do Minnesotans still have Senator Wellstone bumper stickers? It makes me want to shout, "Lady he's been dead for seven years!"

4. Wellstone's stickers are usually next to a Franken sticker. He is not dead, and he is still not FUNNY! The joke's on us.

5. Is North Korea shaking in its boots because of new UN sanctions?

6. If you eat Chinese food with a fork do you consider it fusion cuisine?

7. Do flies killed by the President have rights too? PETA thinks so.

Have a nice day!

Sammy Carl

Monday, June 1, 2009


Observation of the Day!

1. The killing of the abortion doctor is terrorism by an anti-abortion zealot. The pro and anti zealots points of view are vastly different, but in the end they are the same. Life is unimportant, if you don't agree with me.

2. After pouring billions into General Motors, the same result happened that could have happened had they not gotten the money in the first place. How is putting 100s of thousands of workers on the unemployment line and devastating many smaller towns going to get America back on its feet?

What's next?


Thursday, May 28, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Ten Signs of Spring in Minnesota:

1. It is not snowing

2. Snow that fell in November has melted.

3. There is no wind chill.

4. There is shade.

5. Geese are pooping everywhere.

6. The silver maple propeller seeds are everywhere.

7. People are walking around the lake in shorts and tee shirts.

8. Bikinis are not much. (The best sign)

9. Some weight lose programs were started too late.

10. Norwegians with white bodies are sunburning.

Have a nice spring!

Sammy Carl


Observation of the Day!

I picked this up from the San Diego Union Tribune. This is scary. Folks, the government is attempting to control every phase of our lives. What is going on? GM owned by the government? After the billions we gave this company, they are still going to bankruptcy. What did the bail out accomplish? Regulation of what we eat? Much of the green movement is a fraud? Bailouts and then control, while the people who played by the rules get screwed. Watch it gang!

A local pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a San Diego County official, who then threatened them with escalating fines if they continued to hold bible studies in their home, 10News reported.Attorney Dean Broyles of The Western Center For Law & Policy was shocked with what happened to the pastor and his wife.Broyles said, "The county asked, 'Do you have a regular meeting in your home?' She said, 'Yes.' 'Do you say amen?' 'Yes.' 'Do you pray?' 'Yes.' 'Do you say praise the Lord?' 'Yes.'"
The county employee notified the couple that the small bible study, with an average of 15 people attending, was in violation of county regulations, according to Broyles.Broyles said a few days later the couple received a written warning that listed "unlawful use of land" and told them to "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit" -- a process that could cost tens of thousands of dollars."For churches and religious assemblies there's big parking concerns, there's environmental impact concerns when you have hundreds or thousands of people gathering. But this is a different situation, and we believe that the application of the religious assembly principles to this bible study is certainly misplaced," said Broyles.News of the case has rapidly spread across Internet blogs and has spurred various reactions.Broyles said his clients have asked to stay anonymous until they give the county a demand letter that states by enforcing this regulation the county is violating their First Amendment right to freely exercise their religion. Broyles also said this case has broader implications."If the county thinks they can shut down groups of 10 or 15 Christians meeting in a home, what about people who meet regularly at home for poker night? What about people who meet for Tupperware parties? What about people who are meeting to watch baseball games on a regular basis and support the Chargers?" said Broyles.Broyles and his clients plant to give the county their demand letter this week.If the county refuses to release the pastor and his wife from obtaining the permit, they will consider a lawsuit in federal court.

Sorry about the ads. I couldn't get them out. So I guess I am offering them as a public service.

Getting harder and harder to have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Today I chased a fire truck up Shady Oak Road. This is the first time I have done this in too many years to count. As I left Einsteins, an Eden Prairie fire engine roared passed with sirens and lights breaking up the morning sounds of spring. I thought this was a little odd, since it had crossed into Minnetonka. What the hell, I got nothing else to do so I went north on Shady Oak looking for excitement.

I soon came on the fire scene. It was a strip mall surrounded by fire engines from six surrounding communities. It was a store named TNT. It turns out the owners were unloading some fireworks, but the fireworks had not caused the fire. Apparently the lights went out and a fire erupted in the back.

I was standing against a building gawking, when a guy in an old dirty ball cap, a beard, and a six pack in his bike basket came up and leaned on the building with me. We exchanged thoughts about the fire. They were now pouring water from the tall ladders. He told me he knew the owners and that there would probably be propane and helium tanks inside. That would be the reason for making the fire a five alarmer and all the firetrucks showed up. He told me the roof was rubber and tar that the fire would be hard to put out like a rubber tire fire. I agreed. Of course he repeated the same statement at least five times. However, I like a guy who brings his own beer in his bicycle basket .

The scene reminded me of a highway project. Many standing around and a few doing the work. I counted at least twenty firefighters in a group pretty much watching what I was. There were a minimum of seven cops doing the same. Taxpayer dollars at work. I can't criticize too much that they erred on the side of caution, but at least half of them could have gone back to the firehouse for lunch.

What an exciting day!


Friday, May 22, 2009


Observation of the Day!

I went to the Lab at Park Nicollet in St Louis Park to get my blood work done. I take Warifan to keep blood flowing, and every once in a while it goes out of whack. No big deal just the time it takes to get blood tests every week until it gets back to normal standards. Am I boring you yet?

As I waited, I picked up a copy of O Magazine. O of course is the magazine of the guru on all things, Oprah Winfrey. I used to like Oprah. However, she seems to be getting a little big for her britches, and that doesn't have anything to do with her recent weight gain. She projects an aire of knowing everything, and her minions follow her almost blindly singing Kumbiyah. Several of her book selections have backfired on her. Power corrupts.

On the cover of this issue was a picture of Michelle Obama and Oprah (She's on every cover) standing next to each other. As with most medical offices, the magazines are brought in by staff members for the waiting area. On the cover was a notation "Infectious disease dept." It seemed quit an accurate description of the women on the cover.

Have a nice day!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Some of my loyal readers have been a little worried because I have not posted lately. I can assure you I am alive and well, but things are a little slow as we in Minnesota await warm weather. It finally broke into a hint of summer with 97 degrees yesterday. You can tell I am a little low on observations, since I am talking about the weather.

I am living with my adopted family the Renyas. Four kids can be tough on an old man, but it is fun playing grandpa. I have a small bedroom with no closet. I bought a clothes rack at Target, so I can hang some clothes, but it is leaning now and might fall over in a heap any minute. I have one drawer and a big cardboard box. The best part of being a guest in the Reyna home is the food. Carolina is the most fabulous chef of Mexican cuisine. This ain't Chi Chi's. This is the real thing. Everything from sauces to cakes are made from scratch. I haven't gained any weight though. Laying off the corn tortillas and small bites of Tres Leche cake helps.

Where am I in my life? Moving on. I am returning pretty much to my minimalist roots. All I have ever needed all my life is a place with a nice bed, a car, a few clothes from Kohls, and my golf clubs. I am a minimalist at heart. As I have eased into codgerism, I find material things are just things. They are not going with me. However, you must forgive me because my little minimalist place in Coronado is on the beach of the Pacific Ocean.

I have found great comfort in my religion. At the Rock church in San Diego and Wooddale in Minnesota, I have moved out of the Catholic Church and back to my Protestant roots. Most of you probably don't know that my church as a boy was a Quaker church. In looking back there are many good things that church practiced. It was a church very much based on peace and the spirit within. Part of each service was a silence to let your thoughts and prayers develop, and the Holy Spirit enter.

A recent series of sermons at the Rock was about the invisible man, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that resides in each of us. I am trying to be less judgmental and more forgiving and tolerant. It is working, but I ain't done yet. I haven't gone off on the deep end of religion, but it has become a more important part of my life, and I am still learning why I am a Christian. It is cleansing. If I can't take it with me, I better be sure I make it to the good place. Nirvana is heaven.

And so I move on and make my memories.

Have a blessed day!

Sammy C.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Observation of the Day!

There are two things that happened over the last couple of weeks that I want to comment on.

Sarah Palin:

First I am not a fan of Sarah Palin. She simply was not qualified to be president. She made a speech in Indianapolis recently. She told of finding out that her unborn son would be a Down's Syndrome baby. She admitted the thought of an abortion crossed her mind. However, it was fleeting, and decided to have her baby. She admitted that she now, after being faced with the news that she would have a disabled child, understood better other woman who face this reality and chose not to have the baby. She decided she needed to walk the walk of her beliefs.

I admire her convictions to her personal beliefs and the new insight she gained by going through the thought process of others.

Carrie Prejean:

The runner up to the Miss USA pageant, Carrie Prejean, stood up. When asked about gay marriage she said that she believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman. She also said she did not want to offend, but this was the way she was raised and was her religious belief. The question was asked by a judge Parez Hilton and openly gay man. Later on his blog he called her a "bitch".

It so happens that Carrie is a member of the Rock Church in San Diego. This is also my church. She was asked to come to New York to appear on the Today Show. She was not sure she wanted to go. However, she and her mother boarded a flight to New York. She is a 21 year college girl and was scared to death. One of her friends called the Rock to asked for a prayer for her. The staff and Miles McPherson, her pastor did not know she was an active member of the Rock. It so happened that Miles and his wife were in New York and staying only eleven blocks apart from where Carrie was. Miles called her and they met a 6:45 in her hotel lobby. Miles had lots of experience in interviews during his position on Prop8 in California. He became her publicist, coach and bodyguard all at the same time. In viewing her interviews, I thought she handled herself quite well. Was it an act of God that placed Miles where he was needed thousands of miles away from San Diego.

She has been widely attacked by people who believe in same sex marriage. She has not attacked them, she has simply said what she believed for her own reasons.

With some tolerance is a one way street. It is kind of like politicians. The issue is bipartisan as long as you see it my way. Perez Hilton has done more harm to the cause than good. Even some gays have deplored his actions and words. Yes, it was a beauty contest, but it became more than that

You can hear the interview with Carrie and Miles at the Rock website, Click on Stuff and message archive. The video is up now.

Carrie stood up to her convictions.

No matter what your personal beliefs are, be true to them and show toleration to those who do not believe as you do. Can't we all just get along?

Have a nice day!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Observation of the Day!

On Sunday I was told that I needed to come home and clean out my office. To Doe this was always an eyesore, and I am sure she was most anxious to get rid of her personal affront to her neatness ethic. Not that it isn't an eyesore, but it was my eyesore.

In this office I wrote my book, researched and wrote the Arnold Family History and researched and organized my genealogy. It was a place where my important work was performed.

I first cleaned out the desk drawers. That carried no emotion because it was an accumulation of outdated paperwork and the crap stuffed there when I didn't know what to do with it. Twenty years is a lot of accumulated crap.

Now the hard work would start. In the closet were all of the personal awards I had accumulated. The awards came a little tougher to throw out because they represented my life's work. They were small recognitions, but recognition non-the- less.

I looked at the files that contained emails, web genealogical research, many family pictures of people I didn't even know, meaningful newspaper clippings of events, and many other things that I didn't even take the time look at.

When our parents died my brothers were assigned the task of cleaning out and selling the house. I told them the only thing I really wanted was anything that was relative to our family history. At Christmas Jim brought a big box from my parent's attic containing most of the stuff that was currently residing in my office closet. In that box were the answers to many unanswered questions about our parents and grandparents. The most significant information started my quest to find out about our father's adoption. In the end I knew more about his adoption that he ever did during his lifetime. This story is told in detail in my Family history, Looking for Little Ward.

One of the items that was tucked away in the plastic tubs was my Mom and Dad's high school year books. I often imagined the excitement she felt when she opened this yearbook for the first time. Somewhere in the book is my mom's DNA. These books of the late twenties was where I found what it was like for our parents in high school. It was there that I learned the notation by my mother's high school picture that said, "It's not hard to be nice when you are naturally nice." That brief statement was my mom all her life. Now it will reside in an anonymous landfill, but not to be forgotten.

As I lifted the lid of this personal family history, I wondered what I should do with it. This was job that should have been left to my kids after we passed away. Had our parents and/or grandparents treated it as trash then much of our family story would have been lost. Instead, because it was not thrown out it became a family treasure, rich in the detail of their life.

Now I had to consider what to do with this treasure. It should not even be my decision, it should be our descendant's choice. Circumstances, however, made it my choice. I didn't really have a place to put it. After all, I had not even looked at it for more than ten years. I had extracted the values from the data it carried. I really didn't think any of our kids had any interest in the stuff, but perhaps generations beyond them might have genealogy buff amongst them. I reluctantly made the decision to make it trash. It was the hardest thing I have done for a long time. I knew the wound would heal, and I didn't exactly throw away my family history, just the hands on detail of what I wrote about. I have the written version of the history, which I have yet to put together in a final form, the CD containing the genealogical charts that go very far back to the fifteenth and sixteenth century, and two albums containing some of the most important family pictures and documents. Perhaps this will be enough. The material behind it is more important to me than anyone else. I have have left a written history that can serve as jumping off point for some future unborn descendants. I am proud of that.

I didn't sleep particularly well that night. I wondered whether I should go the next day and retrieve the "trash" and restore it to "treasure". I finally said no. This was the past it has no future.

And so I walk on making my memories!

Have a better day than I had on Sunday!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Observation of the Day!

I am in Roswell, NM visiting my niece and her four boys. Always fun.

Last night I was showing the boys a picture of "my grandkids", Luis, Ricky and Maddie. Later on, Noah, asked his Mom when they were out of the room, "Mom ,Uncle Sam's grandkids look Mexican." It became a teaching moment, "They are Mexican. You don't have to be a blood relative to be a grandpa", she said. Noah understood.

You don't have to be a birthparent to be a Dad or Mom OR GRANDPARENT. Our Dad was adopted. My grandma was my grandma, even though she did not carry our DNA. I am pro-adoption. I have many friends who have adopted. These kids are their kids 100%. God's plan has carried these kids forward in life. Thank God for adoptive parents.

Have a nice day!


Saturday, April 11, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Thursday I was at the Island Sports and Spirit watching the Masters. Sitting at the bar was a young man named Derek, along with others. Derek has only played golf for six months and is hooked on the game. Being new to the game also means he is still learning about its history, and the Masters on particular this day.. He announced that he wants to go to the Masters someday. Nick asked him how he would get a ticket. Derek said, "I'd go to Southwest Airlines".

Have a nice day!


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Four small banks want to return their TARP money to the government, but the Government i.e. Obama tells them they can't. What BS. The government is the problem. Why can't we understand that. It is all about power and control. Can anyone say European Socialism?

Thank god baseball season begins next week.

Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Are anti-smoking advocates for legalization of pot?

Are anti-abortion supporters also for death penalty?

Can Congressional approval rating go below zero?

Do pro athletes know nothing good happens outside strip clubs at three in the morning?

Have a nice day!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009




Sunday, March 29, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Part of my daily routine is to go to the Beach Club in the afternoon to read. Somehow reading with the Pacific outside the window and people wandering in and out is better than reading in a condo, isolated from the world.

Yesterday, I was reading and Barb was setting up a little going away party for one of the residents. It turns out it was for Walt. He is probably in his late eighties. Apparently, he is going to live with his son. He and his caregiver come to the club every day about five to have his daily glass of wine. You can almost set your clock by their cocktail hour. Walt has a wonderful sense of humor and the Beach Club employees love him.

About twenty guests began to arrive. They were his Coronado friends. What I noticed was that there was only two males and the rest females. Walter, you old dog.

I want to leave this place Walt's way. I want to be surrounded by beautiful ladies, who are my friends. Walt is a man after my own heart.

Good luck,Walt. You will be missed at the old Beach Club.

Have a nice day!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Observation of the Day!

You can't make this stuff up. I saw Tom Jones at this music bar. They sent out this email to apologize for the above.

Autism Tree Project Benefit Update

The Belly Up offers their sincerest apologies for any misunderstanding about the April 15th charitable fundraiser for Autistic Children email. The band that is playing for this charitable event is called Slightly Stoopid, spelled with two oo's. It was never our intent nor the intent of Autism Tree Project to suggest that the name of the event is called Slightly Stoopid.

We apologize to anyone who may have misunderstood our previous email, however, we are proud to be a part of this event and grateful to the band for their community contribution as this event will raise thousands of dollars for the charity. We encourage anyone who cannot attend to donate to the cause by visiting

The Belly Up Staff

Have a nice day!


Friday, March 20, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Don't get me wrong, I deplore the bonuses to Wall Street and AIG. Congress and the Treasury wrote the rules, and then changed them to cover their ass. It is like saying there is no more three point shot after the game was lost by the home team on a three point shot.

In the mean time we, who played by the rules, have seen our retirement sink almost in half and our real estate rot away. A pox on every Congressman. And don't think it would be any different if the Republicans were in charge.

Can approval ratings go below zero. I hope so.

Would Congress please take a vacation and go home, where they can't do any more damage.


One pissed of citizen.

On the other hand. Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Last night I took in my first baseball game of the season. It wasn't a Spring Training game. It was a college game, San Diego State vs UNLV. The reason a couple of friends and I ventured out to campus was that Stephen Straussberg was going to pitch. There were others to do the same as it was the third largest crowd ever for an Aztec baseball game.

Straussberg is expected to be the overall first round pick in the upcoming major league draft. He has it all. He is 6'5", 220 lbs and a 100 mph fast ball. Last night he went seven innings allowing two runs on six hits and one walk. Oh and yes, he struck out only fourteen. He is a sure bet.

Now let's hope he doesn't hurt his arm like Prior and Wood. Neal Patton,my friend I attended wi th was a prospect who turned down the draft and went to SDSU. Then he hurt his arm and his dreams were gone. He etill thinks about that. I have another friend who was also a prospect who hurt his arm. He is from Peru, which doesn't have much baseball, and he pitched in the Dominican at 17. He still has regrets over not making it in a game he clearly loves. Take care of your arm Steve.

San Diego State should be a contender every year, but are mostly also rans. When Tony Gwynn was named manager at the field that bears his name, everyone said that he would be a recruiting genius. What kid wouldn't want to play for a Hall of Famer? I don't mean to demean one of the best hitters of all time, but the word around is that he a little lazy. Today he creates a big shadow, but, unfortuneately, it eminates from a really fat man. He reminds me of the late great Kirby Puckett. Aside from coming out to give the lineups and the ground rules, he sat on the bench while is primary coach seemed to be running the game.

It was a fun evening and I know when Straussberg makes the bigs, I will bore people everytime he pitchs with this story. 'I saw him pitch in college."

Play Ball!


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Seasons :

Summer's gone
It could not stay
It ran it´s path
it´s yesterday

Like a moment's fire
That lost it´s burn
It faded it fast
And won't return

So I walk on
And make my memories
And hope is not gone
Because I still believe
there´s a reason
for passing time
These are the
seasons of my life

I´ve long for spring
In the winter's cold
I felt the sting
Of the unknown
My frozen heart
Held me bound
Until the time
It turns around

So I walk on
And make my memories
And hope's not gone
Because I still believe
there´s a reason
for passing time
This are the
seasons of my life

There more I live
The more I grows
No more than this
Is all I know
For time has run
But I don´t mind
For life's begone
Once more inside

So I walk on
And make my memories
And hope's not gone
Because I still believe
there´s a reason
for passing time
These are the
seasons of my life

Seasons from Tom Jones new CD 24 hours.

Please find the song and play it along with the lyrics.


Observation of the Day!

As a man of the 21st century, I joined Facebook. It is an interesting activity, but I get confused. Friends get all mixed in with each other. The good part is I really connect with some old friends, relatives and people I don't even know. I still don't know exactly how it all works. When Doe joined Facebook, I said, "I'll be damned."

I wrote about Twitter a few months ago. I considered myself a real man of the 21st century, when I found out about twitterng. However, I really don't know how to Twit. At least I know what it is, but I don't think instant messages like, "I am eating a ham sandwich" is very interesting to any one except for a research project on the eating habits of the old.

I discovered texting on the magic cell phone. This is not so unique, but for an old fart like me to use text is kind of rare in my generation. It really keeps me in touch with my young friends. It is much more efficient than voice mail. It is like voice mail except the long winded and boring greetings are not there. "Sorry, I am not here, please leave a message etc, etc". I know you are not there because I got voice mail, dummy.

Thanks for reading my Blog, calling me, writing on my wall, texting me, voice mailing me, twiting me, emailing me and thinking of me every once in a while. I love you all.

In the mean time I will continue to trudge on through the 21st century happy as a clam and a pig in s**t.

Have a nice day!

Sammy C

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Observation of the Day!

He is nearly as old as I am, his hair has gone gray, maybe a face lift tightened up the face a little, his pants are still tight and woman still through their panties to the stage, but he's still got it. I'm talking about Tom Jones.

Last night I went with some friends to see Tom at the Belly Up music club. The Belly Up is a small venue (600 capacity) in Solona Beach. It's kind of a dump, full of life. Kind of like me. Tom sang some classic TJ plus new songs from his recently released CD 24 Hours.

The crowd was mostly older of course. Not too much Spandex around, but his fans have never forgot how to get with it.

It brought back memories from 1967. Doe and I and the Koivistos saw Tom on his first major engagement in Las Vegas at the Hilton. I became a fan of Tom Jones even though it has been 42 years since I spent money to see him. How time and life pass before your eyes and ears. Tom Jones in Las Vegas is one of those memories that is never forgotten when ever I see or hear him on records and TV. It is one of those predictable anecdotes that I repeat almost verbatim whenever I see him on TV. "Yes, Dad we have heard that story a thousand times."

Tom's voice and showmanship are still vibrant and his female fans still throw their panties, even if they may now be "granny panties".

It was a fun evening in a time, when fun doesn't happen as often as it should. And it made me feel young again. I was moving it, Baby!

"So I walk on and make my memories"

Line from Tom Jones song, Seasons, from CD 24 Hours

Have a nice day!

Sammy Carl

Monday, March 2, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Today I went to Costco for some gasoline. As I was turning the corner, I noticed a homeless person begging for money from motorists at the light. He was wearing an Obama tee shirt with "Yes We Can" on the back. I guess the Obama's promises and the bailouts missed him.

Have a nice day!


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Observation of the Day!

The honeymoon is over for me. I gave Obama a chance and he has lost me already. The common adage is run from the right or left to please the base, and then govern from the center. Obama seemed to do that at first. He reached across the aisle like no one before. It turns out is was a head fake and he has moved way left to govern. I don't envy his economic task. It is is a very high mountain to climb, and there is enough blame to go around. However, he actually gave us hints as to where he and the Democratic Congress were going.

He was going to take the country in a new direction. We just didn't know it was European Socialism. Socialism does not work. It never has in history. Do we, as a country, really want to be another France or Germany?

What he said to Joe the plumber was another hint as to the real Obama agenda, redistribution of wealth.

The budgeted spending is astronomical, and I hope all you younger Obamians like the debt you will carry the rest of your life. The stimulus package in my opinion does not create the jobs promised. I sincerely hope it works. However, the Dems don't seem done yet. They have more spending planned on the other issues. While these issues are important to be debated, doesn't anyone know we can't afford it. Does anyone believe Obama will cut the national debt in half by 2012. Even if he does cut it in half ,it will still be larger than the debt he inherited.

I am not a Bush fan either. He did not govern in any way of a conservative. He is the worst president in my life time with dear old Jimmy a very close second. The ecomomy in his administration was nearly as bad as Bush's.

Government has no sense of setting priorities. It's not their money. It is all about building the beaucracies. One of the two increases in jobs was in D.C. The new spending will create even more beaucarsy.

Say hello to China the new world power.

God Bless America!

Samuel C. Arnold

Friday, February 20, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Does anyone but me think it is time to march on the Congress? Every other group of angry and oppressed people have marched on Washington. Why don't we fools who played by the rules do the same? These self-centered windbags no longer represent the American people.

Actually, I believe the best way is to attend every local town hall meeting our representatives hold. Attend those who we voted for and have actually represented us pretty well to let them know we are watching them and to warn them about being consumed by the bright lights of the beltway. Keep writing them at every opportunity, even though it does no good.

I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.

Have a nice day!

Samuel C. Arnold.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Observation of the Day!

The Beach Club at Coronado Shores is right on the ocean, looking out to Point Loma. It is truly one of the premiere locations anywhere on Earth. It is a place where residents can gather for Happy Hour, the Friday night dance,Bridge games, Gin games and many other community events. The club has also been described as God's waiting room.

On Sunday Susan and Judy put on an old fashioned Jewish brunch. It was a delightful carbo loading meal. I felt I could have run a marathon fueled by these rich carbs.

The entertainment was the San Diego Gay Men's ensemble. They were quite good. Most of them looked pretty straight until they started to sing, then some of the effeminate features came out. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

The audience loved them. As you know, most of the residence of the Shores are are golden aged. When the director chided the oldest member of the group about being the oldest, he responded that he was going to move to the Shores the next day. Was that a cheap shot? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Yesterday was a stormy rainy nasty day. Even the ocean was angry. I went to the Club in the afternoon, as I often do, to read. I waited until the really hard rain subsided before I ventured out. When I got there, I found the Gin group (they play everyday) was hard at work at their usual table. It wasn't until I sat down on the couch that I realized that two of the players were playing in their boxer shorts, their pants hung to dry on a chair. Neither rain Nor snow will keep the Gin players from there game.

Have a nice day!


Thursday, February 5, 2009


I received a comment from the keeper of Home of Heroes Website. I am always interested in how people find my little blog. Must be Google. I said he could not find John Mckinny's name on the list of Navy Cross recipients. I apologize because I had spelled John's last name wrong. It is John Blackhall Mckinny. He is a recipient of this distinguished reward for serving our country. He is one of only 6,900 + in history of the medal.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Last evening was a most wonderful evening for me. Paul Payne, my best Coronado friend, held a dinner party at a very fine Coronado Italian restaurant. There were fourteen people invited. They were all golfing buddies and wives. The occasion was to celebrate the sale of Paul's Mexican business. As his golfing partners, we were all subject to Paul's whoa is me and moans about the sale of his business. He got less sympathy from Ingrid. This was payback for our patience. He really didn't have to do this payback because we all enjoyed the needles we placed in his body, whenever the subject came up.

I was honored to be included. I love my golfing life and golfing friends. I am so proud of being accepted as a part of the group, even though to date I am only here five months a year. I love my life in Coronado.

I arrived on time at the appointed hour of six o'clock to find that eleven were already seated and on their first drink. I was surprised, but should have known that old people eat early and on time. I guess going to the bank and driving around the block to kill time so I wouldn't arrive too early cost me an early drink.

Since I was a single, my "date" was my wonderful friend John McKinney. John is truly a hero to us all. He won the Navy Cross for sinking a Japanese carrier in WWII. He tells of flying high, waiting for the order to dive bomb the target. He remembers being just above the flack and thinking that in a few minutes he would be diving through it. He was 22.

John actually survived two other close calls. He was in a hotel fire in Atlanta and fell out of the window, saved by the pile of bodies, some of them his buddies from a perty that he was to attend on the thirteenth floor. He also survived being in the back seat of a car that skidded backward into a river in Lousiana. I believe his pilot training saved his life. John has been blessed. He is not well, but still has lunch at the golf course a couple of times a week. He has trouble remembering even his last bit of conversation. The fun is that he gets a special twinkle in his eye as he laughs about his difficulty in remembering. He is a hero and a wondeful man. God bless John McKinney.

The food and company made for a wonderful evening, an evening to remember. Thanks Paul for bringing us together.

Have a wonderful day and go Cardinals.


Saturday, January 31, 2009


Observation of the Day!

What can I say? I have not been posting my cogent observations for some time. Am I lazy? Yes. Have I observed any observations? None to write of. I spend time playing golf and hanging around in the best weather we have had in January since we have been coming. Life is a glorious routine in Coronado, while Minnesota is enjoying its sixth coldest January. See, weather talk gets to be boring, especially to those in the cold.

My golf game sucks, but that is not news.

I shipped my car out. With the pneumonia recovery program in effect, I didn't feel I was up to the drive, especially alone. It only cost $875. The plane ticket cost $119 and only four and a half hours of my time. I figured I saved me about $500 in hotels, gas and food. It also saved me mileage against the third year of my auto lease. Overall it was a real good deal. BTW. My health is back. My defib is in place and my lungs are clear. What more can I ask?

Yesterday, I had lunch with an old friend, Dave Stafford, his wife and Tom and Konnie. I know he is a good friend because after not seeing each other in probably twenty years, we picked up just where we left our relationship. Shot after good natured shot was launched across the bows. Old friends are wonderful because they are old. And the stories never get old.

They still don't get it in Washington. The current bill on the table does little to get the economy back. They do not know anything about priority setting and the different between wants and necessary needs. I am still floating a balloon on a march on the capital to shout out,"I'm mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore. I urge all of you to write your legislators more often.

Super Bowl Sunday tomorrow. I saw a show and tell on Super Bowl memorabilia this morning. The had a Ticket from the first Super Bowl. It wasn't even called the Super Bowl then. It was the World Championship. Green Bay won and the cost was $12.oo. I know I was at the game, and didn't save my ticket stub of buy a souvenir because I could barely afford the $12.00. With the cost today, I still can't afford it. I am rooting for the Cardinals.

As you can see, I have become boring. I will do my best to find some humor in everyday life here in Nirvana. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take a nap by the pool.

Have a nice day!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Observation of the Day!

Is this a great country, or what? Barack Obama became our 44th President today. The transition from one administration passed peacefully, as it has since the founding.

I thought the ceremony was very moving. The first inauguration I can really remember was John F. Kennedy. I had the feeling today as I did then that the torch had truly passed to a new generation. The only difference was I was part of the receiving generation. Now like my vote fo John McCain was voting for the past and my generation.

From a previous post I had no trouble after the election of Barack Obama becoming my President. I have been very surprised and pleased with his come together to solve the problems of our country. In my life time I have never seen the country is such bad shape as it is. I still believe that the sixties and the Viet Nam era was the worst period of my time, but the issues of that day, were not the same as the troubles of this era. We are really talking about our survival as a world power.

Having said that, I have the feeling today is a turning point in our history. I have been around long enough to know this country can solve these problems in the long run. Every element of our society contributed to the situation. Our own greed and our overpowering craving for instant gratification has been the rope from which we hang.

Obama is a genuine leader in the mold of Ronald Reagan and FDR. His oratory can inspire us to get it done. It will not be quick, and I am sure we will have many set backs along the way. Obama cannot do it alone.

I sincerely hope Obama can put an end to the rancor of partisanship. Respect and tolerance is at the center of making it all work. The Congress must work together. If the cannot, I suggest a march to the steps of the capital by the public loudly declaring that we are mad as hell and we aren't going to take in anymore. I am going to write my Congressman and Senators more often, letting them know how I feel on the issues.

It is a new day. It is a new beginning. Let us pray for the success of President Obama.

Have a nice day!

And God less the United States of America.


Sunday, January 18, 2009


News You Need To Know, or Not!

Natalie Dylan, 22, claims her offer of a one-night stand has persuaded 10,000 men to bid for sex with her.

Last September, when her auction came to light, she had received bids up to £162,000 ($243,000) but since then interest in her has rocketed.

The student who has a degree in Women's Studies insisted she was not demeaning herself.

"I think me and the person (Nice grammar)I do it with will both profit greatly from the deal."

She added: "It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which isn't even prized so highly anymore."

I guess she can't get a job in Woman's Studies.


Performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle for a cup of tea, according to new research.

While millions of people tap into Google without considering the environment, a typical search generates about 7g of CO2 Boiling a kettle generates about 15g. “Google operates huge data centres around the world that consume a great deal of power,” said Alex Wissner-Gross, a Harvard University physicist whose research on the environmental impact of computing is due out soon. “A Google search has a definite environmental impact.”

This doesn't quite make sense to me. Google is going to run their computers whether or not anyone is doing searches. They aren't like lights that Google shuts off when nobody uses them.

I wonder who paid for this research, Al Gore?.


Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne spent $236,000 to redecorate the bathroom in his office, The Washington Post says. The paper reports that taxpayers paid for "a new shower, a refrigerator and a freezer and buying monogrammed towels."

KTVB-TV says the department denied that it purchased monogrammed towels.

In this economy we must all sacrifice, except government of course. Gives new meaning to throne room. What a bunch of crap.


A funeral home might be a place for eternal rest, but police say an Arkansas man saw an opportunity to build a methamphetamine lab undisturbed by the living.

There was just one problem—the funeral home was across the street from the sheriff's office.

Officers say Robert Lee Lewis left the light on in the basement of the Higginbotham Funeral Home in Walnut Ridge on Dec. 3. Officers noticed the light on after hours and walked into the funeral home through an open door.

Inside, police say they found all the components necessary to build a meth lab. Officers arrested the former funeral home employee when he returned.


The wobbly video shows a group of adults mulling inside Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant in Susquehanna Twp. Suddenly it pans left and captures a fight breaking out.

The 22-second clip, uploaded Sunday to YouTube, is the latest example of what police describe as a disturbing and bizarre crime trend: escalating violence among adults at a place designed for children's birthday parties.

Susquehanna Township police have been called to the restaurant on Union Deposit Road 12 times in the past year for reports of disorderly conduct, assault and theft. Those calls have resulted in 13 arrests, including six women -- five adults and a juvenile -- charged with disorderly conduct in a Saturday-night brawl.

"It's madness, absolute madness," Susquehanna Twp. Police Chief Robert A. Martin said.

Martin said he believes much of the violence stems from ongoing disputes among people who bump into each other in the restaurant. "They see each other at Chuck E. Cheese, and before you know it an argument turns into something physical."

The assaults also could be attributed to separated or divorced parents who attend a child's birthday party, he said. Such was the case in an April 4 incident, when police accused a man of slapping his estranged wife in the head at their child's party.

The violence at Chuck E. Cheese's isn't isolated to the Susquehanna Township restaurant. Last month, the Wall Street Journal published an article about a growing number of adult melees at locations in Brookfield, Wisc.; Topeka, Kan.; Toledo, Ohio; and Flint, Mich.

Can't we all just get along?


Here’s another entry for the annals of noteworthy winter weather: The dogsled race near Frazee, Minn., has been canceled because there’s too much snow.

Too much fluffy snow that keeps drifting and therefore made it impossible to maintain a groomed trail.

That poses a safety risk to the dogs, supercharged canines whose mushers need a groomed trail to drop a hook to stop when necessary.

“We can’t pack it,” race organizer Eddy Streeper said Monday. “We just can’t get it packed. We had to speak up on behalf of the dogs.”

A dog sled race where the snow is not good enough???

Mega-orgy in Tel Aviv cancelled due to public pressure

Sex fest scheduled to be held on 'International Orgasm Day' and seeking to promote world peace called off after owner of venue meant to host event caves in to threats

After weeks of preparations for the largest sex event of its kind in Israel, organizers were forced to cancel it this week due to public pressure and threats exerted on the owner of the venue where the sex fest was to take place.

The orgy was organized by the Raelian movement, a UFO religion whose followers believe humankind was created by aliens.

"The purpose of the event was to try and bring world peace through mass orgasm, this by experiencing consensual sex and natural, uninterrupted pleasure. It was important to make love without feeling guilty or shy," he explained.

Now there's a peace movement!!!

A crumbling economy, more than 2 million constituents who have lost their jobs this year, and congressional demands of CEOs to work for free did not convince lawmakers to freeze their own pay.

Instead, they will get a $4,700 pay increase, amounting to an additional $2.5 million that taxpayers will spend on congressional salaries, and watchdog groups are not happy about it.

“As lawmakers make a big show of forcing auto executives to accept just $1 a year in salary, they are quietly raiding the vault for their own personal gain,” said Daniel O’Connell, chairman of The Senior Citizens League (TSCL), a non-partisan group. “This money would be much better spent helping the millions of seniors who are living below the poverty line and struggling to keep their heat on this winter.”

In this economy everyone must sacrifice, except the government of course.


Burger King Corp. may have just the thing. The home of the Whopper has launched a new men's body spray called "Flame." The company describes the spray as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat."

The fragrance is on sale at New York City retailer Ricky's NYC in stores and online for a limited time for $3.99.

Smell like a Whopper? All you will attract is supersized females.


LIMA, Peru — Drug agents in Peru say they have seized 3 tons of cocaine mixed into a shipment of guano bound for Spain.

Police delayed announcing the Dec. 4 raid because it was initially impossible to calculate how much cocaine was mixed with the guano, the nitrogen- and phosphate-rich droppings of birds and bats.

Cortijo said the cocaine was destined for Barcelona, Spain.

This cocaine smells funny!


MEXICO CITY — A well-known U.S. anti-kidnapping expert has himself fallen victim to the wave of abductions in Mexico as unidentified assailants snatched him from a street in the northern state of Coahuila.

Local authorities say American Felix Batista was in Mexico to give talks and offer advice against kidnapping. The former U.S. army officer sometimes serves as a negotiator with kidnappers.

I guess his days as an "expert" are over.


In a poll conducted by the Marion Chronicle Tribune, 56 % of its citizens were not dreaming of a white Christmas in Marion IN.

Have a nice day!
